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Youpin and Oriental Aerospace Calibration And Testing Co.,Ltd built the high-standard electrical measurement and calibration laboratory together.

Oriental Aerospace Calibration And Testing Co.,Ltd was established in 1985. It belongs to the Bureau of national defense and supply calibration services for satellite, airship of Institute of space technology, China Aerospace Science and Technology Group. It is also the only one institution which was recognized by the CNAS, the Bureau of national defense, the General Equipment Department of the PLA and the State Administration of work safety.

The cooperated calibration laboratory will take advantage of the calibration technology, management of the Oriental and the competitiveness of Youpin Electronic in the wireless communication global market to supply the best calibration service for all the customers.
​Range of measurement
● ​Multimeter
● Power meter
● Ampere meter
● Audio analyzer
● Electronic loading
● Electric energy meter
● Resistance meter
● Oscilloscope
​● Spectrum analyzer
● Signal generator
● Attenuator
● Shielding box
● Network analyzer
● Bluetooth test
● Communication tester
● Frequency converter
● Electrostatic ring tester
● Wire rod tester
● Multi-function tester
● Insulation resistance tester
● Leakage current tester
● Withstand voltage tester
● Transformer integrated tester
● Coil tester
● Audio/Sweeper signal generator
● Distortion meter
● LCR meter
● Resistance box
● Standard capacitance
● Standard inductor


About Youpin

Contact Youpin

​Room 501, No. 3 of Chuangye Building, No 625 of Binhe Road, New District of Suzhou, China.
​+86-512 6805 2191
​Fax: 86-512 6805 1847
​Mobile: 86-1599 5704 290
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